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Web Developments

If you have to give your site a professional look but don't want to spend too much. We have a great and very cheap solution for it. We at Niketha Web Makers, develop web pages that actually communicate your message to your visitors. Right from conceptualization to implementation, we keep in mind what your users want because your visitors are back bone of your online success. And you should bear in mind that the visitors will be responsive if the site is well made, attractive and appealing.

Your website designing services covers strategic planning, business intelligence, creative, application development, product / service promotion & solution maintenance. Most of our time goes in understanding your business objectives, defining the problem and finally designing the best possible solution. Your website can offer you the best return for your investment, if done correctly.


All our Standard Web Development plans include :

Designing of a new website

Redesign or revamping of an existing website

Maintenance & management of an existing website


Our Services include :

Project Analysis

Story Board Creation

Content Creation

Photography Works

Layout Designing

Animation works and

Coding & Scripting

Hosting the completed work


Effective traffic building :

A well made website gives your business a corporate identity in web. Hence website should be interactive, communicative and user friendly.




Business class Email Hosting

By purchasing an Email Hosting package you can use your own Domain Name as part of your email address. This adds an additional level of professionalism in your day to day email communication

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