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Back Office Service

BPO India is one of the popular business practices in today's competitive environment. The Indian BPO industry is constantly growing. Niketha Back office Centre provides a broad range of services from customer relationship management, back office transaction processing to industry-specific solutions. The key elements of online service delivery are an integrated approach towards providing excellent e-projects for optimizing business ventures in e--commerce. This involves a phased approach towards process standardization, process optimization and process re-engineering, with the ultimate objective of helping the business to attain vertical as well as horizontal growth.

As far as Niketha Multimedia is concerned, this is a turning point, our vertical growth has commenced and we have taken every thing in our side and have made it success. You have done your right business move by going through our E-Marketing proposal. Remember this is a life time opportunity not an one time tapping scheme like other business.

Benefits of our back office service:


Search Engine Optimization

Back Office

Live Help Desk Operation

Customer Relationship Management [CRM]